

Our church is a diverse group of ordinary people, trusting and following someone extraordinary – Jesus Christ.

A record of Jesus’ life in the Bible starts: “The beginning of the good news about Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” Those words are true, and we don’t want to miss out on good news! 


We’re grateful to live in or near Brampton – a small but thriving market town with a great community spirit. We hope to serve the local community and help it to be an even better place to live. 


Whether you’re a Christian or unsure what you believe, wanting to look at Christianity or thinking of re-kindling a previously held faith, or even think you could never follow Jesus – whatever you believe you’re welcome to come along and join with us, since we believe the good news is for everyone! 


So if you live in Brampton or the surrounding villages and are looking for a place to meet Christians and discover more about Jesus you’re in the right place. And if you’re just visiting or on holiday in the area – we hope you enjoy it because we do – you’re also welcome to join us to worship Jesus. 


We meet on the Townfoot Industrial Estate in Brampton every Sunday morning at 10.30am. This site also tells you about other things going on. If you have any questions or want to know more, please EMAIL or call us on 016977 42136.

Latest News

New Welcome Entrance for Church
July 12, 2024 12:18 am
Holiday Club 2024 Is Approaching!
July 11, 2024 07:35 pm

Support the work of Bethesda

Your donation enables Bethesda's aims to support local and world-wide outreach and create a welcoming space for worship and growth.

If you feel led to support us then please do so via our Stewardship fundraising page.



We would love to welcome you to any of our meetings, especially after the disruption caused by Covid.

We are also in the middle of an exciting project to move home! So you are welcome to join us on Sunday mornings, 10.30am, in our new venue on the Townfoot Industrial Estate (the first unit on the right, it used to be Geltsdale Carpets, a new sign will go up one day!).

We’ve got plans to refurbish the building and hope that it will be a great space for Brampton, but you’re welcome to enjoy it as it is!

Please feel free to come along. Babies, children and young people are welcome, and we have Sunday Club during the service for everyone of primary school age. 

If you would like to re-connect with a church after a break, or if you’re interested in trying church for the first time, we would love to see you there. We hope it’s a place for everyone, especially people wanting to explore more about God, Jesus and life!

If you are planning to visit then check our Sunday FAQs for what to expect.

We would love to say hello, one way or another. 


and all at Bethesda Church.


Pastor Huw Iley

016977 42136


07432 117993 





Townfoot Industrial Estate



CA8 1SW 



Sunday 10.30am

Map of Church Location



We usually meet in smaller groups, online and in person, during the week at 1:45pm and 7:45pm, for Bible study, prayer and fellowship. Please call or message us to find the venue for our next meeting.  


A group for secondary school aged children, meeting every Sunday afternoon in term time. This is designed

for those young people who want some deeper Bible study in an informal environment, with food and games.

Please contact us for more information.


Join us on the third Sunday of every month at 5pm. All ages are welcome, for a mixture of eating together, games, coffee & chat; followed by a topic to explore and time to pray.

Please contact us for more information.


If you enjoy craft and learning new skills in a friendly, welcoming environment, then Make & Mend group is for your. Make & Mend meets for one-off events during the year. Some events for children (accompanied by parents/carers) and others for

youth and adults. A great opportunity to enjoy craft (including learning new skills), in a friendly welcoming environment.

For more details on our next meeting, please contact us.



A great opportunity for young tots to come and play together in a safe environment with loads of great toys. It's also an opportunity for parents and carers to meet and chat together over a tea or coffee. Mums, Dads, Grandparents and childminders are all welcome!

For more details on Wiggles & Giggles events visit the Facebook page here



Young people connected to churches, in Brampton and the surrounding area, have a brilliant opportunity to meet monthly, on Friday evenings. Please contact us for more information.  



An informal opportunity to explore more about Jesus. A weekly small group meeting, where we watch a DVD for 15 mins, discuss part of Mark’s Gospel (one of the four accounts of Jesus’ life in the Bible), and chat about any questions or ideas that people have. Anyone is very welcome, whatever they believe. The course normally lasts for around 7 weeks. And includes a brew and a biscuit! We don’t sing, pray out loud or ask people to do anything ‘religious’! Feel free to come along and see if it helps you. 


Please keep an eye on the website, or contact us, to find out about the next course.


The God who made this universe must be intelligent, powerful and wise. Thankfully, he’s also a communicator. He sent Jesus, so we could know what he is like, and he’s given us the Bible, his written word for all people and all time.

But he is even better than that! He made us humans unique, in his image. And even though we have often pushed him away, choosing to live our life our way, dishonouring him and often damaging other people and even ourselves in the process, he is still reaching out to us. His Son Jesus came to reconnect us with him.

That’s what his death on a cross 2,000 years ago was about. Jesus rose again, he is alive today, and he is offering us real life: that’s knowing God now, and looking forward to being with him forever! 


If you’re unsure but intrigued by this, why not find out more? Come along on a Sunday, join a Christianity Explored group, or ask us for a Bible and we’ll give one to you! 


If you know this is true, why not come along and celebrate with us this Sunday morning. And if you’re not part of another church already, why not join us, as Christians are meant to be in community, not lone rangers! 


If you would like to find out more, read our formal statement of beliefs.

Lady draws picture with small child
Man talks with group of people
Man holds a small child in his arms
Lady draws picture with small child
Man talks with group of people
Man holds a small child in his arms





Registered Charity No: 1149548

Safeguarding: All people matter to God, and so they matter to us. The church is a member of the independent safeguarding charity Thirtyone:eight and follows a comprehensive safeguarding policy that is reviewed annually by the trustees.

The leaders of our youth and children’s groups hold current government Disclosure and Barring Service certificates and receive regular training. If you would like to read our Safeguarding policy, please contact us.