When should I arrive? 

Whenever you like! You may want to leave a little time to park and get in the building. If you arrive 10 minutes or so before the meeting starts, it gives us a chance to say hello to you, and it gives you time to find a seat. 


Where does the church meet? 

We meet at the former Geltsdale Carpets building on the Townfoot Industrial Estate. You can find directions on the Find Us page


What to wear? 

You don’t need to dress up to come to church! We want you to feel comfortable joining us. So please wear whatever is comfortable for you - and you’ll probably find someone else dressed similarly!

man and woman standing drinking cup of tea

Will I feel uncomfortable? 

We hope not! We are glad to welcome new people most weeks. We don’t ask you to read the Bible or pray out loud or anything like that. You are welcome to join in or sit and listen. We’re just glad you’re with us. 

What will happen at the meeting?

  • We will sing some songs to praise God. We often sing around 5 songs, a mix of old and new, and often one designed more for the kids! You’re welcome to sing along, or just sit and listen. 


  • Will we pray? - You won’t be asked to pray out loud, but you’re welcome to listen as people lead us in talking to God


  • There’s often some news about what’s happening in the life of the church or in the Brampton community.


  • There’s often a special presentation for the younger kids


  • Part of the Bible will be read out. We won’t ask you to read anything out, but you’re welcome to listen. We provide Bible’s for everyone there, so you can follow the reading if you would like to.


  • There will be a talk from the Bible (what some call a sermon). It’s usually around 25 minutes long, but this can vary!


  • Share bread and wine. On the first Sunday of the month at the end of our 10.30am service, we share bread and wine together, to remind us that Jesus died for us. This is usually a bit quieter too, and gives us some space to reflect. You are very welcome to listen and see what happens without feeling any pressure to take bread and wine yourself. 


What about the kids? 

We have a creche, and then ‘Sunday Club’ for toddler through to Year 6. Children usually stay with their parents for the first part of the service, and are then invited to go to our side rooms for age-appropriate teaching and lots of fun in our Sunday Club.

If you would rather keep your children with you, that’s fine too. From time to time we have an ‘all-age service’, when children stay in for the whole time, and the teaching is designed for all ages.

Children sitting at a table drawing

What happens at the end? 

Some people need to rush off. That’s ok! But most people stay on for tea, coffee, cold drinks, biscuits, and sometimes cakes (all free of charge) 


Do I need to pay or make a donation?  

No! You are welcome, and we are glad you are willing to join us.  We’d love to see you this weekend. 


Please contact us if you have questions that we haven’t answered! We look forward to seeing you soon.

Get in touch

Please contact us using the form below






Registered Charity No: 1149548

Safeguarding: All people matter to God, and so they matter to us. The church is a member of the independent safeguarding charity Thirtyone:eight and follows a comprehensive safeguarding policy that is reviewed annually by the trustees.

The leaders of our youth and children’s groups hold current government Disclosure and Barring Service certificates and receive regular training. If you would like to read our Safeguarding policy, please contact us.